HS One-step RT-qPCR 2X Master Mix (SYBR green, low ROX) includes all kind of real-time RT-qPCR components such as Taq DNA polymerase, thermostable M-MLV reverse transcriptase, dNTP, buffer and SYBR Green.
It is only needed to perform quantitativeRT-qPCR by simply adding total or poly(A) RNA as substrates and specific primer pair to the premix.
HS One-step RT-qPCR 2X Master Mix (SYBR green, low ROX) has been optimized for highly sensitive and reproducible real-time PCR experiments.
In addition, Taq polymerase is amixtureof PCR enzyme and monoclonal antibody to Taq DNA polymerase. The antibody inhibits the polymerase activity and prevent non-specific amplification derived from mis-priming of primer dimer before PCR cycling.
- Enhanced specificity by use of HOT start with anti-Taq antibody
- Includes 50 nM/rxn ROX reference dye
One-step RT-qPCR (SYBR)
Qualifying Test
Performance test, exo/endo nuclease contamination test, stability test.
Storage Condition
Store at -20 ℃ (stable up to 12 months).
Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycle. Keep the light out.
Standard Experiment Protocol